Author Archive: vadim227
Three levels of Patient protection
Insurance medical organizations have been engaged in protecting the rights of patients before, but today conditions are being created for this function of the insurance company to become one of the priority in their activities.
Currently, in the Stavropol territory, 86 representatives of the first level, 45 representatives of the second level and 12 representatives of the third level provide advice and protection of the interests of insured citizens on compulsory health insurance.
Insurance representatives of the first level for the third year provide reference and advice to the population. During this time, the service has become a real helper for the population in obtaining free medical care. And, as a result, citizens are 2.2 times more likely to apply to insurance companies for clarification and protection of their rights. In total, since June 1, 2016, the contact center received 45.8 thousand appeals, while complaints amounted to 3.1%, the remaining 96.9% were requests for advice.
Starting from 2017, the insurance representatives of the second level began to protect the rights of patients, whose priorities are to ensure optimal routing of patients, individual information about the need for medical examination and preventive examinations.
The work of insurance representatives of the second level begins with an individual invitation of citizens for medical examination. In 2018, insurance representatives notified more than 400 thousand people who are subject to medical examination this year. Notification occurs via SMS, e-mail, telephone and mail.
Information about your insurance representative, including contact details, everyone can find in the “Personal account of the insured person” on the website of TFOMS UK.
To approach the Advisory support directly to the patients, the workplaces of insurance representatives are organized in the medical organizations of the region. The schedule of work of insurance representatives of insurance medical organizations and representatives of TFOMS UK in medical organizations can be found on the official website of TFOMS UK in the section “Insured persons” — “Interaction with medical organizations”.
Insurance representatives of the third level began work in 2018. They carry out information support of insured citizens who are on dispensary supervision, work with written appeals of insured persons, organize the examination of the quality of medical care. At present, insurance representatives of the third level provide information support to more than 17 thousand residents of the region who are under dispensary supervision.
Phones of “hot lines” of insurance companies:
Stavropol branch of VTB MS – 8-800-333-222-5 (free call);
branch of LLC “SK “Ingosstrah-M” in the city of Stavropol (8652) 56-06-68.
single Contact center — 8-800-707-11-35 (toll-free).
The contact centre is open 24 hours a day. Calls are received during working hours from 9 to 18 hours, outside working hours, holidays and weekends — in the answering machine mode (with the ability to leave a voice message).